The winners of the Arizona Press Club’s inaugural Nina Mason Pulliam Environmental Journalism Award for environmental reporting is a team of investigative journalism students at Arizona State University (ASU) and Emery Cowan with Arizona Daily Sun.
In the statewide category, News21 reporters were selected for their work on a series of stories called “Troubled Water” focused on unsafe water in urban communities.
In the community category, Cowan was honored for her continued coverage of uranium mining in northern Arizona.
The award, sponsored by the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, recognizes the best reporting on natural resources, ecology, environmental policy or human interaction with nature in the state in 2017. The prize includes a $1,000 award for the winners of both categories, as well as a free trip the annual Society of Environmental Journalists conference, to be held this year in Flint, Michigan.
The Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust seeks to help people in need, especially women, children, and families; to protect animals and nature; and to enrich community life in the metropolitan areas of Indianapolis and Phoenix.